뉴멕시코 한국학교 등록 신청서
봄학기 2025
New Mexico Korean Language School
9607 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
Date: ____/_____/_______/
Children (유아, 초등, 중,고등반)) |
Name of parent/legal guardian: |
Phone #: |
Email: |
Mailing Address: |
Student’s Name |
English |
Korean |
Age and DOB |
Grade |
Student 1 |
Student 2 |
Student 3 |
Payment |
Registration: $180 |
Late Fee: $ 30.00 |
Total: $180.00 $210.00 if late |
*** 1 자녀인 경우 $ 180.00
*** 2 자녀인 경우 $180+$150= $330.00***
*** Zelle 이용 가능 ***
*Check 을 쓰실 경우Pay to the order of KAANM
*Please write the student’s name on the bottom left of the check.
*Mail to: KAANM
9607 Menaul Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
*** 프린트 하실때는 첨부 (attachment) 파일을 이용하세요.