한인회 공지사항/뉴스

글을 올리시고 싶으신 사용자께서는 글쓰기 에 글을 올려주시면 선별해서 게시하도록 하겠습니다
My name is Alex Rodriguez and I am a Casting Assistant with On Location Casting here in New Mexico.  I am hoping you can help me get the word out about my casting needs for a new CW Network television series called "The Messengers".

We are looking for a variety of types of Asian New Mexico residents to be on-camera extras. No acting experience required.  Hoping you might be interested and can help spread the word to anyone you know who would fit our casting specs and best portray the types listed in the casting call below. We appreciate any help you can provide in getting the word out to individuals or groups that fit this description. Please SHARE with others you may know.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Our casting notice notice is included in the email below. Appreciate your assistance in helping to get the word out. 

Best Regards,
Alex Rodriguez
Casting Assistant
Phone: (505) 273-5856 



We would like to BOOK people for paid extra work and would like your help in getting the word out to any Asian men and women you know, or Asian groups in the area. 

We know the shooting date will be Thursday October 2nd, 2014 and will require all-day availability.

We will be casting several scenes requiring a couple of Asian types, so all types 18 and older are welcome. Some very specific types we will also be seeking are: 






Extras will be paid ($8.60/hour) with a daily 8 hour guarantee plus time & 1/2 after 8 hours. Meals provided.

If you or anyone you know fits the bill and would be interested AND available to work with us on 10/02/14 - please EMAIL US ASAP to: themessengerscast@gmail.com with subject line "ASIAN EXTRA 10/02".  

Be sure to include a recent photo of yourself, your first & last name and your contact number.

**We are also looking for people of all types for future extra work on the show.  Follow our Facebook page for casting calls or go to http://www.onlocationcasting.us/to register for free.

Feel free to email us if you have any questions.

Alex Rodriguez
On Location Casting

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